
Women advised to be familiar with their breasts to detect anomaly

Advocates say women should show more interest in examining their breast regularly to detect any anomaly

Retired radiographer and renowned breast cancer advocate, Grace Animwaa, has called on Ghanaian women to prioritise the health of their breasts.

According to her, despite the continuous awareness of the dangers of the deadly disease, she believes that some women barely regard it as highly relevant.

Animwaa was speaking at a breast cancer symposium and screening organised by the Danquah Institute at the University of Cape Coast under the theme: “Breast cancer knowledge, attitudes and screening practices in Ghana.”

She said every woman must know her breast in order to detect any changes.

“Be familiar with the normal look and feel of your breasts,” Animwaa said. “Every person’s body is different, so it is good to know what is normal for your body.”

“If you notice any unusual changes to your breasts, it is important to see your doctor as soon as possible,” she added.

Animwaa reiterated the importance of breast screening to women.

“We need to call out every woman to know her breast status because cancer is real and being a woman puts you in a risk group. Let’s avail ourselves to get our breasts screened and checked,” she said. “Know your breast status because breast cancer is no respecter of persons. It is evil just as COVID-19.”

She added: “The youngest person at our facility is a 13-year-old girl. If a 13-year-old can suffer breast cancer, then who are you, a 35 or 45-year-old? If you’re a woman be up and doing.”

Animwaa said early detection of any anomaly in the breast helps to prevent mastectomy – a surgery to remove the breast as a way to treat or prevent breast cancer.

“A lot of people with issues do not turn up because of fear of mastectomy, but this can be prevented if they come early enough when they notice they may be at risk.

“If you don’t visit the hospital early enough but rather go to pastors and herbalists, the situation becomes difficult to salvage,” she added.


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