
Project set to improve quality of early childhood education launched in Walewale

The project will be implemented with funds from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and will run from April 2022 to December 2024

A project set to improve the quality of early childhood education in the country has been launched in Walewale in the Mamprusi West Municipal of the North East Region.

It was launched by the Children Believe and ChildFund Korea(KOICA) in partnership with AG-CARE Ghana.

The project dubbed ‘the Quality and Inclusive Early Childhood Education Services (QAIECE)’, aims to improve the quality of education of kindergartens in project areas, promote the ability to practice kindergarten education and participation of parents and communities, strengthen the accountability of communities and government in kindergarten education.

Speaking at the launch of the project, the deputy country director of KOICA, BoSung Jeang said the Korean Government and Koreans have experienced the importance of early childhood education.

“Sharing the development experience of the Republic of Korea, Korean Government and Koreans have experienced the importance of early childhood education and it is a key factor to prepare young children to become healthy.”

“And to help them to be major players in the global economy and the education has helped to guarantee the welfare of children and working mothers whose number had increased with rapid industrial education through this project”, BoSung Jeang said.

He reiterated, “it is our desire that the implementation of this project will lead the future spelling out to other districts and regions again”, he added.

The country for Children Believe, Ghana, Esenam Kavi De Souza, thanked the South Korea Government for the financial support.

“Firstly, I would like to thank sincerely the Government of South Korea who is providing financial support for the implementation of the project through the Korea International Corporation Agency(KOICA). Children Believe and Childfund Korea are both child-centred development organisations and members of the Child Find Alliance”, she said.

About QAIECE project

The QAIECE project is being implemented in two Municipalities- East Mamprusi and West Mamprusi in the North-East region of Ghana through local partners- AG-CARE Ghana with the Ghana Education Service (GES) and the Municipal Assemblies.

QAIECE is applying a 3-pronged approach to education – first, investing in infrastructure projects that will provide safe facilities to improve teaching and learning outcomes. It aimed to build the capacities of various groups thus community facilitators, caregivers, health workers, and teachers.

The third approach of the QAIECE project is to strengthen structures that ensure that the outcomes are sustainable. These will be reinforced with behavior change communication through various public educational programs.

The project will, directly and indirectly, impact the lives of over 132, 864 beneficiaries including children, women, and men in 30 communities.

Among other activities, it will provide nine standard early childhood education facilities to improve the teaching and learning environment for 1,042 kindergarten children (532 boys/510 girls), support in-service training of 27 teachers in the new curriculum and learning through play methodology, support training of 18 SiSOs, provide two boreholes in two project schools.

Through various approaches including the use of Learning Through Play (LTP), the project will work with health facilities, volunteers, community facilitators, parents, and communities to sensitize and educate everybody in early childhood education to improve inclusive education and services to all children.

Other personalities who graced the occasion were the Director of AG-CARE, Ghana, the North East Regional Director of Education, the West Mamprusi Municipal Director of Education, East Mamprusi Director of Education, and other stakeholders from the project areas.

Dokurugu Alhassan

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