
PROFILE: All you need to know about Emmanuel Kofi Nti, the Outgoing GRA boss

The Ghana Revenue Authority is the Ghana administration charged with the task of assessing, collecting and accounting for tax revenue in Ghana.

Emmanuel Kofi Nti, per the organogram of the revenue authority is the Commissioner-General, and he is responsible for the strategic direction and day to day management of the Authority’s affairs.

Meet Emmanual Kofi Nti, the outgoing GRA boss.

Mr Emmanuel Kofi Nti, GRA Boss

Emmanuel Kofi Nti is a banker, economist, statistician, an accountant and a tax expert with experience spanning over thirty (30) years.

He holds a combined Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and Statistics from the University of Ghana and a combined Master’s degree in Economic and Financial Forecasting from the London Metropolitan University.

He is a Fellow of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, Ghana; Fellow of the Association of Chartered and Certified Accountants (ACCA); United Kingdom and Member of Chartered Institute of Taxation, Ghana.

Work experience

He started his career as an Economist with the Bank of Ghana where he worked in the Development Finance, Rural Banking, Banking Supervision and the Treasury Departments.

The outgoing GRA boss left the Central Bank as the Head of the Treasury Information Statistics Office (TISO) of the Treasury Department where his work involved collaborating extensively with the Research Department, reporting on the foreign currency denominated receipts and payments through the Central Bank, the Open Position of banks, and the Central Bank’s Cash Flow.

Kofi Nti was the first Secretary of the Foreign Exchange Reserve Management Committee that manages the Central Bank’s investments and reserves.

Economist Kofi Nti worked at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning as a consultant and was instrumental in the setting up of the Tax Policy Unit (TPU) in 2006 with objectives that include: providing a platform for developing and maintaining an effective tax policy framework.

The TPU was tasked with providing alternative measures for growth and stability in government’s revenues; analysis of tax policy effects on different groups; building the requisite database and analysing the contents for policy formulation, conducting impact assessment and evaluation of tax policies.

The TPU collaborates extensively with the Ghana Revenue Authority which implements policies that are pioneered by the TPU.

Furthermore, Emmanuel Kofi Nti was the Head of the Tax Policy Unit at the Ministry of Finance from 2006 to 2012 during which period he spearheaded the formation of the Revenue Forecasting team composed of staff from the Ministry of Finance, Ghana Revenue Authority and the Statistical Service; introduction of the Communication Service Tax; creation of the Customer Services Unit of the then Internal Revenue Service; and reforming the Petroleum and Mining fiscal regimes.

Until recently he served as a Consultant Economist and Tax Expert, at the Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases Department of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Africa Region, working from the WHO Office in Kampala, Uganda and then as resident consultant in Ghana.

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In this role, Emmanuel Kofi Nti provided technical support on economic and taxation issues to Sub-Sahara African countries including amongst others, providing training on various areas of economics of tobacco, technical assistance in building South-South cooperation in the areas of tobacco taxation, health, and economic cost studies.

He has served as an adjunct lecturer at the Ashesi University and the Central University. At Ashesi, he taught final year Bachelor of Science (Administration) students in International Finance while at the Central University he taught International Trade and International Economics in the MBA programme.

Emmanuel Kofi Nti was appointed as GRA boss in Feburary 2017, and he is expected to retire on October 1, 2019.

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Henry Cobblah

Henry Cobblah is a Tech Developer, Entrepreneur, and a Journalist. With over 15 Years of experience in the digital media industry, he writes for over 7 media agencies and shows up for TV and Radio discussions on Technology, Sports and Startup Discussions.

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