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Opinion: Strategic choice; Why Dr Bawumia settled on Napo as his running mate

Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh's nomination as Dr Bawumia's running mate epitomizes a strategic convergence of political acumen

Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh, widely known as Napo, emerges as a pivotal figure in Dr Bawumia’s strategic arsenal for the upcoming elections, and for good reason. Here’s an in-depth analysis of why his selection as running mate signifies a calculated move aimed at bolstering the NPP’s bid to secure another term in office.

1. Harnessing the Ashanti factor

The imperative to consolidate the NPP’s stronghold in the Ashanti Region cannot be overstated. Napo’s deep-rooted ties and lineage with the Manhyia Palace, coupled with his political stature, strategically positions him to mitigate potential voter apathy and fortify support in this pivotal electoral bastion. His selection counters recent shifts in Ashanti politics, including notable figures like Alan Kyerematen’s departure, ensuring the NPP maintains a robust foothold.

2. Demonstrated efficiency and competence

Napo’s distinguished tenure spanning eight years across two critical ministries—Education and Energy—underscores his exceptional competence and capacity for impactful governance.

As Minister of Education, he championed the flagship Free SHS initiative, effecting transformative reforms that resonate deeply with the electorate.

His tenure in Energy was equally impactful, marked by strategic advancements such as the digitalization of ECG and prudent energy agreements, solidifying his reputation as a decisive leader committed to national development.

3. Leveraging the Manhyia factor

The endorsement by the Manhyia Palace holds significant sway in Ashanti politics. Dr. Napo’s lineage as the grandson of Otumfuor Osei Tutu II, coupled with Dr. Bawumia’s ceremonial adoption as “Agyemang Prempeh,” underscores their alignment with Ashanti cultural sensibilities and leadership preferences. This strategic alignment enhances their appeal and legitimacy among traditional authorities, pivotal in shaping electoral outcomes in the region.

4. Grassroots mobilisation and Party Unity

Napo’s unparalleled popularity and extensive grassroots network within the NPP constitute a formidable asset. His ability to mobilize party loyalists, particularly within grassroots and TESCON circles, enhances the NPP’s organizational strength and outreach capabilities. This grassroots support is pivotal for door-to-door campaigning and voter mobilization efforts, crucial in securing electoral victories.

5. Political coalitions and strategic imperatives

The strategic alignment with influential party figures, exemplified by Kennedy Agyapong’s conditional support contingent on Napo’s nomination, underscores the significance of coalition-building within the NPP. Hon. Ken’s substantial political influence, reflecting 37% control of the NPP party base, highlights Napo’s pivotal role in consolidating broad-based support critical for electoral success. Dr Bawumia’s astute recognition of these dynamics underscores his commitment to leveraging political alliances to amplify electoral prospects.

6. Youth appeal and strategic electoral dynamics

In a demographic landscape where youth constitute a decisive voting bloc, Napo’s resonance with younger voters emerges as a strategic advantage. His stewardship of Free SHS, which directly impacts the aspirations of Ghanaian youth, positions him as a relatable figure capable of mobilizing youthful support. Contrastingly, his counterpart’s demographic disconnect underscores the NPP’s strategic edge in appealing to the burgeoning youth electorate, crucial in shaping electoral outcomes.


Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh’s nomination as Dr Bawumia’s running mate epitomizes a strategic convergence of political acumen, cultural alignment, grassroots mobilization, and youth appeal pivotal for electoral success. Beyond personal charisma, electoral victories hinge on strategic maneuvers adept at countering opposition arsenals and resonating with voter aspirations.

As Ghana prepares for the electoral fray, the NPP’s strategic bet on Dr. Napo underscores their readiness to navigate complex political landscapes with precision and foresight, aiming ultimately to secure another term and propel Ghana towards sustained progress.

Nana Agyemang Prempeh

The writer is a political commentator (charlesagyemangprempeh37@gmail.com)

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