
NUGS to EC: Establish vote transfer centres on campuses

According to NUGS, the move aims to assist registered student voters who cannot vote in their designated constituencies due to academic commitments

The National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS) has appealed to the Electoral Commission (EC) to establish vote transfer centres at tertiary institutions across the country.

According to NUGS, the move aims to assist registered student voters who cannot vote in their designated constituencies due to academic commitments.

In an official communiqué dated Wednesday (5 June) and signed by NUGS president Daniel Oppong Kyeremeh, the union highlighted the challenges faced by students.

“Many of our members are currently studying in various institutions across the country, far from their hometowns,” the statement read. “Many students during this period are writing their mid-semester exams; final year students are also on the field heavily conducting research for their final project works.”

“The financial burden on students to commute between their former place of voting and current campuses is also a huge problem considering the economic situation in the country.”

NUGS has urged the EC to facilitate the limited transfer of votes to ensure students can exercise their constitutional rights in the upcoming December 2024 elections.

“We kindly request that the Electoral Commission takes the necessary steps to enable the limited transfer of votes for our members,” the statement read. “We believe that this will ensure that our members are not disenfranchised and can fully participate in the democratic process come December 2024,” the statement concluded.

Find the official communiqué below:

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