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GNAT to GES: We won’t pay 10% salaries as rent

Teachers Bungalow

Teachers Bungalow

The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) has kicked against moves to deduct 10% of the basic salaries of members who stay in government bungalows as rent.

It comes after a circular signed by the western regional director of education Felicia Agyeibea Okai informed teachers that they are to pay the monies effective 1 March if they live in the bungalows.

A statement issued by GNAT said any attempt to implement the directive will jeopardise the prevailing industrial peace on the educational front.

“For the avoidance of doubt, we wish to remind the GES of Section21(i) of the Collective Agreement, 2009 which deals with staff accommodation and states without equivocation that, headmasters, senior housemistresses, principal etc shall be provided with free residential accommodation…

“We wish to caution further, that any attempt to implement this would be resisted fiercely, and the industrial peace we are enjoying on the educational front could be jeopardised,” the statement said.

“We are therefore by this write up demanding, that the Ghana Education Service withdraws this action or move to ensure serene and conducive teaching and learning in the schools, for the collective benefits all. Anything short of this, could be risky, and we may not be able to contain it,” the GNAT statement added.

Below is the full statement:

Fred Dzakpata

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