
Fordham University lecturer fired for mixing up names of two black students

The lecturer had explained that he made mistake and has nothing to do with race

Christopher Trogan, a lecturer in Fordham University’s English department was sacked for mixing up names of two students who walked into the class late. 

According to The Observer newspaper, the students allegedly felt disrespected after the incident and believed the mistake was made because the two are both black.

According to one of them, Trogan repeatedly used the wrong name throughout his class.

The lecturer according to the newspaper emailed the entire class and called the incident an “innocent mistake’’ which he blamed on a “confused brain’’ due to the students coming to class while he was in the middle of teaching explaining that he made a simple and human error.

“the offended student assumed my mistake was because I confused that student with another black student. I have done my best to validate and reassure the offended student that I made a simple, human error. It has nothing to do with race’’ he added.

Trogan added that his entire life has been focused on the issues of justice, equality, inclusion and listed what he has done in relation to racial justice during his career.

In his email, he urged any students upset by the incident to complain to the school.

“Depending on your response to the officials, I may or may not be your professor in class next week. It’s all up to you,’’ he wrote.

Winifred Lartey

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