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Ashanti Region: Assemblymen reject Local Government Ministry directive on ex-gratia payments

Assemblymen from various metropolitan, municipal, and district assemblies (MMDAs) in the Ashanti Region have voiced their objections to a recent directive issued by the Local Government Ministry regarding the payment of end-of-service benefits to former assembly members.

The communique, issued by the ministry’s chief director, instructed MMDAs to pay ex-gratia to assemblymen who served in the last four years, citing Section 11 subsection 2 of the Local Government Act 936 of 2016 as justification for the directive.

However, the assemblymen have contested the directive, arguing that it is inconsistent with the provisions of the Local Government Act.

At a press conference held in Kumasi on Tuesday (7 May) the Assemblymen threatened to resist attempts to undermine their integrity with such “draconian” directive.

“Payment of ex-gratia is at the dispense of various assemblies not the ministry”, stated Isaac Amoah, the convener of the group.

“It is very surprising to note that, the communique by the Chief Director at the Ministry may be born out of supportive motive, self inflictions and the ability to undermine the very honourable office of the assembly member that is a paltry GHC3,000 for a metro, GHC2,500 for municipal and GHC2,000 should be given to MMDAs for four years of devotion to service”.

“We reservedly reject this directive and ultimately reaffirm our stance that we will not abide by this draconian, authoritative and subverssive directive in any way”, he concluded.

Reporting By Jonathan Ofori, Ashanti Region

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